
وظائف بنوك

Cash Management Officer


Job description


    • Organizing communication actions or promoting locally the activity of Cash Management.
    • Having local market knowledge on Cash Management items (competitors offer, technical specifications and legal aspects.
    • Prescription of the bank's offering for overlay services and of other regional offering concerning means of payment.
    • Validation of revenues objectives, Cash Management accounting reporting, following-up the activity on cash management purpose.
    • work as a line of support for clients that has a problem with one of their Electronic

      Banking systems.
    • Develop sale of the cash management products to clients.
    • Brings technical and commercial assistance to the Relationship Managers.
    • Monitoring the local activity and the internal promotion of the cash management issues.


Required Qualifications:


    • Bachelor Degree in, Accounting, or Business Administration.

    • Ability to independently evaluate and make consistent.

    • Strong analytical and communication skills.

    • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft office applications.

    • Minimum 4 years of Experience .



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